Thursday, March 31, 2011

web standard

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) state "web standards is a general term for the formal specification and rules surrounding building web pages. “Web standards are formulated and maintained by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium ). There are standards for:
HTML: including XHTML, HTML4.0 and HTML5.0; CSS: including CSS1, CSS2 and CSS3.; XML: relating to specifications like RSS, XSLT, XPath, and XML Schemas.

Web standards are also a general term for the specific ground of people, who is disability. Such as visual impairment, hearing impairment, olfactory and gustatory impairment, etc. web standards compliance makes it easier for these people with special needs to use web.

The benefits of web standards as follow:
·  Accessibility

It is more easier for the search engines to display the web page, because of the information is more text matching with the search engines.
From the clients' point of view, it is much easier to understand the page structure through the web standards. The content of the web page is very clear and will be easy to find.
From the peoples', specially disability peoples' point of view, there are browsers been provided through the standards, it is more convenient for them to use the web, and disability people have the right to equal as others. Thus to provide the browsers are necessarily.

·  Stability

As we know, a web site will be redesigned through many designers, and each of them will have different perspective to design the web. The web standards offer a set or rules, so that content can be restyled easily without changing code.
- Provides print friendly versions for all pages.
- Easier to maintain, because of the less code and modular code.

Everything has two sides, web standards have disadvantages too. But in my own opinion, I think to compliment web standard is necessarily, especially for those disability people.

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