While the users use the web, there always arises the complain from them. The complains could be the difficulties to find out the information, the home page layout, the download speed and also could be the page content. All these difficulties lead to the web is unclear and not easy to use.
The definition of web usability as " An approach to make sites easy to use for end-user, without requiring her or him to undergo any specialized training. The user should be able to intuitively relate the actions he needs to perform on the web page, with other interactions he sees in the general domain of life."
After understanding how importance the web usability is, it is necessarily to improve web design to be more usability for the end-users. The author has considered some opinions that can help the web tend to be more usability.
- Identify the target market. Who will use your website? Is there any barriers for these users to use the website? What type of design theme the target group prefer to?
- Analyze the target group. What information they are interested in? Why the target group choose to use our web site?
- Analyze the past visitor database. How often these people visit to our web, and what the key words they are searching for. How many pages they have visit? How long they stay at the web?
- Minimum the pages number. It is better to put one paragraph information at the same page.
- Do not put too many images and flash, etc. Some web designers put too many media stuff, wish the users to look at all of them. This action may be will rich the web design, however, it could also slow down the web opening speed. And the web speed is the one of the most elements that the users will consider.
- Unanimous web design. Put the brand logo on every page. Set up the standard of the web design, like every page have the same layout of the information, the same style of the click button, and the same design of the content. So that in aim to help the users increase of the brand awareness.
- Analyze the web information. Are they related to the target group? The amount and the quality of the information.
Based on the theory we have mentioned above, there is a good example that can prove the importance of the usability. Let me ask you first, what type of your register name when you purchasing online? Are they mostly a series of words and numbers? Do you feel they are hard to remember, specially when you have couple of different register names? You may wish to use the same nickname of different account, however there is always be someone has used the your nickname already, so that you only can choose another one again. Even there is no-one took your nickname, but the users can spend lots of time on register process. Hence, why the every web designer do not ask for the email address as the register name? And why don't they keep the registration process in simply way?
"Amazon.com" as a online purchasing website, did very well on this point of view. They use the email address as the register name, and keep the registration process simple. Even the purchasing process is very simple too. As the user, you login their web first, and choose the delivery address, then choose delivery options, enter payment details, and last is review and submit the order. And bang! You will receive the product in couple days. Isn't easy?
Some other online purchasing web has put lots of information, and many requirements before your purchase. There are just misunderstanding users and make them confuse. Therefore, to keep web usability is very significant, and if you wanna do a online business, it is better to keep the web follow with the web standard and web usability.
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